We at Zieher always give ear to your desires and suggestions! Please feel free to contact us at any time by phone or e-mail. We will take care of your requests the quickest possible way!

Contact details

Zieher KG
Kulmbacher Strasse 15
95502 Himmelkron


Telefon: 09273 / 92 73 - 0
Telefax: 09273 / 92 73 - 74


We are looking forward to your visit.

Opening hours SHOWROOM

Mon - Thu


8:00 - 16:00


OFFICE hours


Mon - Thu8:00 - 17:00 


Contact persons Retailer search



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Zieher's headquarters are ideally situated for national and international customers: in the heartland of Germany's porcelain producers. Schönwald, Tafelstern, Rosenthal, Bauscher or Seltmann, Eschenbach, Walküre & Kahla: all these international brands for hotel and restaurant chinaware are located in the immediate vicinity of Zieher. Your visit to the Zieher headquarters will round off an excursion to one of these companies. 

We are looking forward to meeting you!